Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Putting myself out of the fog

I have been living in a fog for the last I don't know 5 or so months? At least since I've been back on the East Coast. And it's sad, because I have lots of things that I've done since moving back and lots of things I've started to write about, but just haven't been able to finish, for one reason or another.

It all comes down to me being in a fog. For the last 5 months, despite moving cross country, despite freelancing for a couple of different places in a couple of different locations, reconnecting with friends and family I haven't seen in years, getting and accepting an offer from a great company with longterm staying power, benefits and a whole lot of room for upward mobility, getting my own place, starting to nest (something new for me for sure) I sort of feel I'm in the exact same place I was on that treadmill all those months ago when I decided to start this blog.

In some ways I'm really not, like the in the literal sense for example, but with moving comes a whole host of new insecurities, and new challenges. Leaving behind a tight group of friends in CA leaves me even more anti social than I was in LA. Though this time it's entirely by choice, I just don't know anyone in CT yet. (more on this later, I'm branching out and making friends, but I started a whole post about that experience... and may just finish it)

So last week I kicked it up a notch at the gym again and while I was on the elliptical this time I realized I needed to snap out of it. I needed to snap out of the I was just unemployed and I've just moved to a new city funk. I'm not unemployed, haven't really been since October, and I haven't really just moved, I've been here since... well October.

And yet it's taken me this long to realize that I hadn't shaken it all off yet. In fact, I'm really behind on letting a lot of things go, and I think it's what is holding me back at this new stage of my life. UGH.

So, okay now I have the all important task of shaking off everything from the last few years, shaking off the insanity that was the last few months, and shaking off the weight I've gained living in this funk and putting myself back out there, because I do not want to wake up at the end of my year of putting myself out there and realizing I'm even further in than when I started, and also the more I put myself out there at this newest stage of my life, the happier and better off I will be.